Liquid Petroleum Gas (LPG)

Properties not connected to the mains gas line will often use Liquid Petroleum Gas or LPG. This bottled gas is propane and butane. It is stored as a liquid under pressure and then turns back into a gas when some of the pressure is released. It will be delivered to your property by truck and stored either in a small tank inside your house or a large tank situated in the garden.
Advantages of LPG
- LPG gas does not contain sulphur making it cleaner than other forms of energy.
- It burns more consistently making it a more reliable form of energy.
- LPG boilers tend to be smaller and more compact and can also run more quietly.
- It is virtually odourless.
Disadvantages of LPG
- It is currently the most expensive form of energy compared to natural gas and oil. Although this price is coming down.
- It needs to be refilled when the supply depleted so you have to keep your eye on levels or be left without heating.
Does this affect the boiler that I need?
Yes, we would install the boiler most suited to your home, heating and water needs and your gas supply. It is possible in some cases to convert a natural gas boiler to an LPG boiler.
For further information on our new boiler installation and boiler replacement services across , please give us a call or send us a message